This is the dawning!


In 1968 a musical called Aquarius hit the Broadway stage. It was a musical celebrating life, free love, rock music, hippiedom and moving out of the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius. It was an exciting time, allowing those who believed, to tap into what is referred to as a higher power in order to bring about global healing and innovation. Moving on fifty five years, I am now seventy and one of the things I have always done, is trust in the universe to guide me. I think of the universe as my God and it`s very personal to me.

I have a friend who some would describe as cynical. My friend is adept at contradicting thoughts, ideas and creativity if they do not fit in with their experiences of the world or views on the way forward in these extremely challenging times we are living through. Their attitude regarding someone like me who believes in a higher power, seems to be that I am self-indulgent, narcissistic and infantile. They often use the word `woke` as an insult, as though it is somehow wrong to be aware of issues of inequality, to care about rectifying injustices and to lean to the left politically. My friend is an occasional writer, an intellectual and highly educated person yet they appear to be missing something important in their makeup which I refer to as emotional intelligence.

I recall an old boyfriend of mine once reprimanding me as we drove and bickered while on holiday, `there`s no such thing as emotional intelligence!` he stated and I knew he was wrong but one of the things that I have experienced with clever people is that they can be blinded by their own intelligence and sometimes lack insight or even the humility to understand that they can be wrong.  The man I mention was a pompous arse to boot, and considered himself superior because he was a member of MENSA so it was pointless wasting my breath trying to educate him. Previous experiences of such people, people who have a big brain, is that they can lack empathy and self awareness.

I recently read a piece my friend wrote calling into question a higher power or the power of the universe. I was stirred to respond, I was miffed and because I practice Reiki, I choose Reiki to make my point.

Reiki has been practiced for nearly a century, there are various schools, I follow the Usui School which was developed in Japan in the nineteen twenties. Reiki is a method of therapy based on the belief that all living things are fields of energy and that everything resonates with energy, including our universe. Even inanimate objects resonate which is why crystals for example, are used in the fine tuning of watches and medical equipment as well as for healing. Those who practice healing therapies believe that our energy fields constantly interact with the fields of those around us, it is why we become uncomfortable when someone steps too closely into our space. I have demonstrated this when training others, by using diviners. If you give someone some diviners and walk them across a room towards another person the diviners will go `crazy` as they approach the energy field of another person. It is this energy that practitioners use for healing, they pull it in from the universe and pass it on. It is an uncomplicated holistic philosophy, there is nothing magical or mystical about Reiki and if we want to, we can all become practitioners.

When I practice Reiki, I pull in energy from all around me and in my case, I also visualise my angels to assemble around me to lend a hand. This is known as Angelic Reiki and it works for me in fact Reiki has been so successful in its beneficial effects, that many hospitals around the world work with Reiki practitioners in order to promote health and limit the side effects of treatment. Scientific studies are rare but if you Google, you will find plenty of examples. They make interesting reading even if you are a cynic.

When someone receives Reiki their brain enters into an Alpha state, or roughly the same state that we enter when we are extremely relaxed as in a deep sleep and interestingly, so does the brain of the practitioner so it`s a method that is beneficial to both parties. Forty five minutes of Reiki healing is the equivalent of a lovely sleep, it promotes good health, a feeling of peace and well being, so do not knock it my friend, unless you have tried it.

I believe in the power of the universe and the power of God, I think the two go hand in hand. I do not find receiving and sharing that power through Reiki at all self-indulgent, or that it offers me some sort of mystical, mingle mangle moment. I have a measure of sympathy, even sadness for my friend whose mind is closed to such fabulous energy and support, maybe they are a bit scared. They might consider exploring the power of the universe further than they seem to have, because honestly if you haven`t then you do not know what you are missing!  If we accept that in our universe there are black holes capable of swallowing entire planets, that the universe expands across a diameter of 150 billion plus light years, that it is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old and that time can fold, then why not believe we can tap into that unimaginable power?    

The Ginger Whinger.


Like most of us here in the UK I am tired of the continuing media focus on Harry and Meghan and especially now, as Harry`s autobiography Spare is live and on sale. I ordered my copy months ago keen to read from the horses mouth and his memoires certainly have caused some controversy. Differences of opinion are of course fine and we are all entitled to have views and opinions of our own.

Several of my friends are royalists and are horrified this book should ever have been published (by Penguin) they refer to Harry as the embittered and disappointed brother of our future king. I am not a royalist. When interviewed for ITV by Tom Bradby who asked him why he had written the book, Harry replied that after 38 years of having his story told by everyone else, he wanted to own it and present the simple truth. I appreciate the truth and I found Tom Bradbys interview thoughtful, compassionate, challenging and informed, I really enjoyed it.

Back to Harry.

I fail to understand how adults who appear to have more than a few brain cells, continue to call Harry and Meghan names. It is so puerile, so spiteful and offensive. It is a sort of bullying tactic designed I think, to disempower someone who simply wants to tell their story and why not, why should he not lift the lid? I think he is exceptionally brave to do so understanding as he does, the likely repercussions. Having his book published must feel like squeezing an enormous boil, how cathartic it must be. So I do not find Harry a whinger at all, far from it, he is telling it like it is for him and for his wife who he clearly adores. So I do not agree he is whinging.

My other issue is referring to Harry as Ginger. If this were intended in an affectionate way I could accept it but it is not. It is intended as a put down and it is thoroughly reprehensible and unacceptable. If the press harassed a woman in this way, there would and should be uproar. So I am happy for Harry that his book has become the fastest selling work of non-fiction EVER. Good on him and if you wish to make a criticism, then read it first and do not rely on the press as you will have a second hand and warped point of view. You do not have to buy it, it will be available at your local library and personally, I am finding the book well put together, engaging, honest and frank and I am enjoying the content.

His Pa did a similar thing in 1994 when, in collaboration with Johnathon Dimbleby, he published The Prince of Wales: A Biography, and no-one pointed the finger of fun at him! I think Harry has had a bit of a bum deal from his family and I hope he continues, as he put it in last night`s interview, to be in a good place where he is very happy.

The Haunting At Pinfold Farm continued……


I think my mum must have been talking to children at Acocks Green Junior School about her life in Yardley as a child, this seems to be a response to a letter from one of the pupils…..                                                                                                 Acocks Green                                                                                                 Birmingham,                                                                                                                                                                                                1st November 1985 Dear Ranjit,             Thank you for your letter […]